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Matrix program or 2D Array in C language Transpose of Matrix program in C language

 Matrix program or 2D Array in C language 

In C language ,A two dimensional array is also known as matrix .Today we will learn about Matrix  .We all know that we also use loop to define an array .We will create a matrix program using a nested for loop.

1.Matrix program in C language:

Output are:

ENTER a[0][1] : 5
ENTER a[0][2] : 7
ENTER a[1][0] : 8
ENTER a[1][1] : 6
ENTER a[1][2] : 1
2       5       7
8       6       1

2.Transpose of matrix in C language:
            Matrix  a
a[0][0]= 4,   a[0][1]=1,   a[0][2]=8:
a[1][0]= 9,   a[1][1]=0,   a[1][2]=5:
a[2][0]= 7,   a[2][1]=3,   a[2][2]=2:

            Transpose of Matrix 

a[0][0]=4, a[1][0]=9, a[2][0]=7:
a[0][1]=1, a[1][1]=0, a[2][1]=3:
a[0][2]=8, a[1][2]=5, a[2][2]=2:

Here the index of the row in the matrix a is being exchanged with the index of the column.


In C language


Enter the matrix row & col:3
Enter A[0][0] =4
Enter A[0][1] =5
Enter A[1][0] =6
Enter A[1][1] =1
Enter A[2][0] =2
Enter A[2][1] =3
Matrix are:
4       5
6       1
2       3
Transpose of matrix are:
4       6       2
5       1       3


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